I’m in the Washington Post: How to Recognize a Speech and Language Delay

How to Recognize a Speech and Language Delay.png

A few weeks ago, Tamara Gane, a reporter from the Washington Post interviewed me for an article she was writing on the topic of speech and language development. It was such an honor to contribute to this piece!   Written from a parent’s perspective, this article explains how she recognized her child’s speech delay and how she went about getting speech therapy services.

I distinctly remember having a conversation with the father of a young child. This loving father thought the world of his child and his eyes lit up whenever he spoke about her. When he discovered that his daughter’s speech and language skills were behind her peers, he found it quite shocking. He always thought his daughter’s language was quite advanced for her age. This confusion led him to ask me, “How do you know your child’s speech and language skills are delayed?

If you’re wondering if your little one has a speech and language delay, it definitely helps to 1. be somewhat familiar with speech and language milestones 2. observe children similar in age to your child and see what they are doing 3. seek the advice of a professional who can validate your concerns 4. talk to other parents who have gone through the process - what did they do?

Click the link to see how Tamara Gane recognized her son’s delay and what she did about it:

How to Recognize If Your Child is Speech Delayed (and what to do to help)

If you’re the parent of a child who has had a speech and or language delay, how did you help or support your child?

For more information and support on how to help your child’s speech and language skills please see:

When Will My Child Start Talking?

My Toddler’s First Words: How to Jump-Start, Track, and Expand Your Toddler’s Language

My Toddler Talks: Strategies and Activities to Promote Your Child’s Language Development


Kimberly Scanlon